Thursday, September 18, 2014

Keep drinking that coffee part 2

I should admit my bias off the bat and say I adore coffee. I also field a lot of coffee questions. Last week a client asked “in an ideal world should I quit coffee?”  No and that world would be far from ideal.  And It’s not just that you shouldn’t quit coffee because it isn’t that bad, coffee has its “perks” (couldn’t resist that pun , didn’t want to). The Bulletproof Coffee concept is also gaining popularity, an LBT reader asked “what's the deal with bulletproof coffee? Gross? Awesome?” I say awesome and wrote about it in the spring.

There are times I look back on an old post and want to update or rewrite certain things but this You Should Drink Coffee and the Best Coffee to Drink post still stands. So the next time someone tries to rain on your coffee parade, send them this. Or, just send them my way. I’m pretty protective when it comes to my “joe”.
Speaking of, what’s your favorite type of coffee (beans)? What do you make your coffee in? Hot coffee or iced coffee? And have you tried Bulletproof coffee?